Bitte Ahrens Primavera, Italy
Swedish but now living in Rome, Italy since 2001.
“Grown up” in the SOBERS kennel and starting breeding Italian Greyhounds and Greyhounds with my grandmother, the late Mrs Astrid Jonsson, who was the founder of the SOBERS kennel in Sweden in the beginning of 1957. Today our breeding also includes Whippets and the Italian Pointing dogs, Bracchi Italiani. First together with my grandmother, and today, together with my husband Pierluigi Primavera, SOBERS are responsible for more than 400 homebred Champions (over 860 Champion titles) and over the years many exports all around the world. This although not breeding more often than 1-2 litters /year.
We have bred or shown SBIS & All breed BIS winners in all the four Breeds. To mention a few highlights: BIS at the WORLD DOG SHOW 2006, BOB Winners at CRUFTS and WESTMINSTER , TOP BREEDER & TOP DOG awards in several countries, TOP DOG with our Bracco Italiano (all Breeds) in Italy 2008 and BIS at The EUKANUBA WORLD CHALLENGE in the USA 2009. We so far bred or owned no less than 18 times World Winners and 20 times European Winners. Since arriving in Italy, the SOBERS dogs have been among the Italian TOP TEN dogs (all breed list) every year.
I have been working as a Veterinarian Technician for more than 20 years in Sweden and in Italy.
I became Int FCI judge in Sweden in 1992 and I am approved to judge all Group 10 and all Podengos Portuguese, Ibizan Hounds, Canarian Warren Hound, Pharao Hounds and Cirneco dell’Etna in Group 5.
I have been judging at International level, all around Scandinavia and the rest of Europe, GB, USA, Australia as well as in Russia (including several of the most important Breed Club Specialties/National Specialties). Some very special occasions have been to judge the 3rd Australian Whippet National, Whippet Bitches at CRUFTS 2015 and Italian Greyhounds at the World Dog show in Milano.
I do love working with my dogs also in the field but with two young children at home, time is limited so thanks to our great puppy buyers, our dogs also have been doing great in field work as well as lure coursing. We are happy to also be able to present several Dual Champions.
Not much time for other things in life, but when some free moments, I do love to practice my other passion: drawing and painting. I have illustrated several dog magazines, designed many logos for Clubs and kennels over the years and done many educational judge compendiums, especially about The Italian Greyhound. I was one of the founders and the President of the Swedish Italian Greyhound Club for several years. Also very much involved in both the Swedish Sighthound Club and in the Greyhound Club.
I always had a genuine interest for all the Sighthound breeds and in fact we also had some odd family members here at SOBERS, as well like one very active Irish Wolfhound, a noble Deerhound and some lovely Borzois over the years.
Bitte Ahrens Primavera